Statement of Purpose

Primarily the intent of these pages is to try to dispense good information to decent free honest people.
Finds itself venting and trying to lighten my own mood oft times besides. ---- 2012/03/06


No warranty as to accuracy or completeness
No intent in harm either direct or indirect as a result of information contained herein
No guarantee as to reliability of server nor my own capacity for maintaining this/these page(s)
I cannot hold myself liable if someone else bugs the thing to bug me & you too
... view at your own discretion ... and ... at your own risk ---- 2012/04.10

24 Hour Log

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... with landline it was just about entirely out, I may could have accessed to one side block in:
This wireless is more expensive, works more like landline did around 10-15 years ago ...
... landline and more recent OS and/or recent Browser ... looks like everything is accessible again ...
-- I'd like to ditch all of this mess of attempts and create one that's more like real; but, I deal with less and less it, I don't know if it'll ever transform into a cleaner, clearer sorta project. If it does it may could be on Blogger, I don't know what it'd be named, don't know if there'd be advance notice to place new address as link to webpage this entry (see above).
-- I may be here (24 hr clearing) from time to time, I don't know.
-- I'm okay, plannin' on 99-100 years; a different pace, I imagine.
George 17.1217sd_1035a cst(utc-6)

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Okay, namecalling, how 'bout this, after some resting on it: Celebrating Independence from an Oppressive Governmental System? On July 4th in (the United States of) America one might would be seen as supporting the current Governmental System as oppossed to that of 18th century Great Britain Colonial Rule? Are there calculators that have been found accurate enough to quantify then compared to now for comparing the oppressive state of the citizenry (import / export taxation percentages, income taxation, ... ? ), and, obviously included in the calculations propaganda effect on perceived degree of oppression of the individuals in the populace. Then there was the bio evolution question regarding certain types of self-control and sublimation and propagation, but, there was cyber feedback on the supposed fact that those numbers, that is, the ones truely(sp) lacking that degree of self-control (as with the opium) are practically insignificant ('insignificant' is bad word choice given context, from the cuff). That last, however to consider, seems to detract from the opening of the paragraph regarding comparing of then to now, like 'wool over the eyes,' I wonder ... is it just me? I can't see propagating, and, not because I lack the liberty to interact (rec and leisure, e.g., not compounded by the pressure and p's & q's of Business etiquete[sp]) at will, though, obviously that is occurring as well and is an obvious as well. Not because of my Adam's Apple, but, that too I see as part of the oppression, the ignorance that has caused that ... the perceived oppression of the situation overall itself.

this note from George here with his cats at 'home' 17.0704t ... likely nothing new, merely something a little better thought through in the moment here by me and talked some with the cats moments earlier

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Who does your time belong to? Who does my time belong to? Do you trade and barter your time of your own volition? Do you have choices as to where and with whom(?) you will barter it?

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My guitar practice is a perpetual redifining of objective it looks, each time out I learn something more that helps me to better clarify the direction I'm trying to take for writing. The articles on the internet for "How to Practice Guitar" helped alot, not because they gave me much of anything other than what I was doing already, but, because they placed it in print and seeing it that way did aide in better seeing what it is that I am doing for tightening the practice up some, I think that's a fair enough assessment of what has occurred in that regard. This element that and the next spelled out helps to better see it. Found that there are TABS for just about anything, and, if you can find where to shop, however dubious possibly, they can be found for sale on CD for working with easier offline (from internet). Source not here disclosed, if you're decent curious, drop me an inquiry line on e-mail. Still on the 4th project, this will be my first to have near exactly 2000 hours invested, and, I am hoping, reasonably, to find this one completed by the summer of 2019, that is, in time for the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Music and Arts Festival, not like it'll sound anything like that era. Our parents didn't instruct us in music, practically speaking, though, there was a piano and mom had some beginning books that she messed with a little ... my practice has been one serious odyssey of ignorance and not being aware of what I needed to be doing in order to get it where I want it to go ... besides, not knowing where I want it to go, because, not being from a musical family, there is so much that I have lacked access to for being able to have the perspective for defining the objective, like I say, the practice reshapes from one time to the next, as for direction, because of what I learn each time out. I am currenlty blocking the 2000 into roughly 4 quarters of 500 each, doing skill training intensive for technique in specific genre(s). 2000, again, approximates one clock year, that is, US standard fulltime work week of 40 hours X 50 weeks. They say, you hear along the way, that "Life is a journey, not a destination." ... that's how I see my guitar, I hope it last until the end of my life, as a life's work, and, I don't know if it will ever, even at that, fully arrive at an 'end point' per se. ... hoping to be out of this blog at least for the quarter year, later on, George 17.0704t


What do I propose about the perceived state of oppression ... ? ... uh ... best I can see it, at this point, it like force majeure man ... if you have a house to withstand the rain you got one, if you have one that can take a hurricane, more power to you ... some of us almost live in tents at times, and, we do the best we can, I suppose. Like, the machine rolls on is what I imagine it to be. I've come back on and am trying to smoke a little marijuana each month along with some alcohol at same frequency though offset mid & first month kinda thing. Mostly I'm here with my cats doin' time, and that ain't easy time at times, we've been hit what looked to be rather sadistically recently. We're doin' the best we can with what we have here. I have no income than the State (Govmt), doesn't look good but I'm 'cope' (the breakdown, the re-ups, the duration cumulative and now my age, I guess), idunno, ramble ramble words.

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Americans are celebrating Independence Day today, July 4th, in the U.S.A.. This if a Holiday commemorating freedom from British rule, and, 'Americans'' liberty to make up all their own new rules. Now, that's a holiday ... is that cause for celebration, or what!

George, 17.0704t_0904a us/tx

... liberty oppressed demoralized nationalist sons of colonists USA ... ? ...


Off limits for conversation? Maybe mixed company is the difference, but, where does that place free press?

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What would you suppose the best block of instruction for the potential lethal infestation of maggots (fly larga) in or causing an open wound in living flesh would be? I do hope that given the potential that much does not significantly offend, I am not one good with words and mixed company, myself. Is that opening sentence not one large dose of at least a good and decent beginning of said instruction? What else would you require, possibly a graffic description in words, you likley would not even need the pictorial visual if it were explained in words well enough. Let's hope that this paragraph will constitute a nice enough raising of awareness and that if you need further detail you will inquire or search out information that will assist in your fuller understanding of the threat. Potentially vital, life and death extreme. The fly seeds themselves can cause the wound that they could then use to overwhelm the system, and, potentially, in no short time spam. A paragraph to explain this risk, if read with care how many do you suppose that would not reach, are there not words of similar type that could explain to anyone that wanted to be aware, words, as on this computer pad?

George, 17.0703m_1137a us/tx

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Compare the following statements:

-- Working out to better manage stress when it occurs.
-- Working out under excessive stress conditions.
Do you draw an obvious distinction between the two?

I, myself, find it much more difficult to work out under excessive stress; though, if I am able to structure my schedule in order to get my workouts at more appropriate times, this, I think, helps me to better manage stress when it occurs. I wonder, if this may be a common phenomenon, and, if not being aware of it may cause some (who might would like to be in better CV shape) to be especially less capable of getting in better condition for managing stress.

17.0618sd_1426p us/tx

Have you ever looked at it this way ... "Gateway Drug"? Don't get me wrong, I think reliable information from trusted sources for safe access and utilization should be considered important as well. Control issues? Opium as the 'gateway' (possible dual meaning / definition) to restricted liberty that oppresses? That is, once the Opium (Civil War issue?) was taken down, was that the beginning of the end of a certain degree of liberty, the plants of the planet, that may be some sort of essential, earthbound, etc. Please, do not forget the 'don't get me wrong' disclaimor / disclaimer (spelling by way of decade shift I wonder). Mariuana is the one that gets 'credit', but, that in the direction of Prohibition not Liberty. Is "'Alchoholic' Beverage" as a term a product of Prohibitionistism?

17.0618sd_1510p us/tx

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ramble but there is some core: liberty; cybernetics; secrecy; privacy; confidentiality; trust; awareness; ironside; communication; communication breakdown; encoding; encrypting; war; demoralization; perceived confidentiality; stated confidentiality ... past, review: theoretical utilitarianism, omniscience(sp); democracy, safety liberty flux vs trend; oppression ... socialism stance on concept of private property; invitation to a trespass;; iron curtain < >; zero effect weed (zew? there was a hard rock station in D/FW area in and comin' out of the '70s KZEW?) ... differentiate 'medical' from 'recreational' marijuana; e.g., state of Texas I have noticed supposedly has 'non-psychoactive medical marijuana' currently (at last look up for what all states have legalized, decriminalized, etc in U.S.A., unknowing as yet, if THC9 is the primary psychoactive ingredient in Marijuana, what exactly is physio-therapeutic effect of non-psychoactive weed, is the THC9 not the basis of that as well? Masala (India, blend of spices), THC9 tolerance buildup and diminishing psychoactive effect; public intoxication and dui ... topic, are they tryin' to say that quantum shift(terminology) of subatomic particles in simultaneous time ... deja vous as subunit of clairvoyance as some of basis of some form of concept of alternate universe ... dualism, physics, materialism, idealism ... ? ... Heidegger more basic yet larger assumption, highlights Descartes with some grounding in guise of counter arg ... ? ... What style of Psychotherapy is this, and, what do I need to know about this type of Psychotherapy in order to reap maxiimum benefit from it in a timely manner? "And the essence of that was impressed upon me so profoundly, as though in dream, or an hallucinatory state of mind; yet, so profound was it, that once no longer in that moment, the essence defied articulation ... there were no words that could explain it, still, there was the awareness."


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now, if we were to conduct a survey, what results do you suppose the statistics would show ... ? ... maybe the question that the survey attempts to answer (via whatever questions needed to surmise the overall answer) ... could be something like: "To what extent do you suppose that relationships depicted in films of 1.5-2.0 hours duration effect real world relationships in the direction of excessively abbreviating the process, even though maybe more times than not the film is demonstrating a fairly psychologically healthy* progression in elapsed time involved?" *note: "psychologically healthy progression" is of course definitional and subjective and would want for elaborating if this were a serious / professional endeavor

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Do you expect you get the same Therapy (e.g., Psychotherapy) for $125 / hr that you would get for minumum wage per hour?

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Are there some 'necks of the woods' where one is more expected to have a 'spouse' than a therapist (that is, for conversation about life's woes, etc) ... is that kinda like your money and your life both? (this line of thought not fully hammered out)

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Unsure how many would agree with the statement, "Fulltime work is too difficult and time consuming to be worth mere money." ... I wonder how many people find it too difficult to juggle fulltime employment with taking proper care of their own person, let alone an entire family. Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise. Then, what about people who work fulltime, say at manual labor, and, may either suppose or it supposed of them that they 'work' all day long, therefore, they shouldn't need to 'workout' (i.e., by the book Once In Shape* ... 20-30 min, 3-4 X / wk, @ 60-80% max heart rate) ... *Note: when you read some about excercie, cardio vascular fitness you may likely at times see a liability disclaimor something to the effect of a saying that a person should consider consulting a physician before taking on strenous physical exercise, especially if the person is known to have a family history of cardio or respiratory ailments, something to that effect ... the note continues, 'getting in shape' is a process, I don't know what the numbers are on it, but, you suppose many, if not most people who do not work out, if they were to take on exercise, would need to go through a process of conditioning their body to the physical exertion(sp), that is, not just diving in and doing the full workout to begin with, probably not for a matter of weeks or even months, grading toward the target workout ...

17.0219sd_1115a us/tx

p.s. I am neither physician (medically licensed) nor a PhD therapist etc, just a dude (I did receive a B.A. in Psychology from like a real university on the ground some 20+ years ago, and, I do have an ongoing interest in reading some along those lines, at my leisure) ... I'm sure I will never undergo the formal training even for a Master's degree, though, I do hope to accumulate, in the remainder of my lifetime, the approximate number of hours beyond a Bachelor's Degree that a person would expect to invest for an M.A. ... a lifelong process a little at time, attempting to stay somewhat consistent and moving along with it in my own time

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Elapsed Time in Movie Relationship Formation (e.g., Film length 1.75h, Story 3 years elapse). Nature of interactions / Milestones. "Transference" or similar mechanism, one, other, both, duration. Q: Do people who do "relationships" best / well, do them with people they do them best / well with (i.e., compatible that way). "Relationships" definitional, subjective. Communication feedback loop, S-R as sender-receiver, Personality Differences, Toxicity in either incompatibility or Communication Style, Gender Communication Differences necessarily? These notes are gratis / free of charge, as a Public Service be there any public service in them, no reply necessary nor expected; though, not necessarily unwelcomed. George 17.0212sd_1048a us/tx (unedited)

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couple definitions/concepts to compare, old news, but, like we likely need to think about the difference again: 'enable' vs. 'empower'


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Dialysis ... of the kidney(s) ... you'll hafta do the research, the follow-up, in case it's a line of thought for that ... the article that seemed to help quite a bit was one about 'aspirin' ... there was mention in the article that it is possible to have a toxic buildup of stuff ... I'd been supplementing both the C (wisdom absess impend?) & D, along with multivits ... well, closer to fact, the D was tandem with a Calcium supplement ... toleralnce in isolation, alt brands, etc ... unsuspecting, caveat emptor trip ... one of these Calcium supplements, I don't much attend to, good faith, no need to especially ... it's like 60% DV on the Calcium, but, like 500% DV on the Vit D ... I do not know, emphasis, I do not know ... it is as though, maybe, the Vit D can get a toxic build up in the kidneys as well ... the dialysis, we all hear the word through the years, I don't know anyone ever did it, the article, for malfunctioning kidney ... the toxicity, if that's what it is, maybe like apendicitis and constipation or tonsils and that warm oil stuff ... H2O flush ... lots of urination, it seems to help with the kidney pain that was coming on in the left side ... (balance, too little, too much) ... ? ... fyi, again, as disclaimer top of page, this is not intended as information to be used to harm anyone, I was brought up to look after my health, lot of low to no comm, day in day out brought up type thing, we're all from where we're from & only have to give in relation to that & our nature, I suppose, like parents give to their children relative to where they're from, true ... ? ... in good faith, to your health, George (hopefully decent enough information and not a buncha ramble overload) unedited

17.0101sd_0832a us/tx

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... to look the definitions of Love and Altruism up ... Transference ... (sexual arousal) ... ? ...

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... Interstellar Orbital Systems ... Pluto ... was discovered less than one hundred years ago ... article ... approximately 75 times the Mass of Jupiter for a Fusion Reaction ... (unedited)
chopped from,

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16.0605sd (cropped)

Narcotics. Short Term Inibriation - Long Term Enhanced Mental Capacity and Capability, a hypothesis. Presupposes: Trusted, Well Informed Resource and Responsible Utilization; as opposed to Abuse. ... Informed Citizenry. ... Brainwashing. Psychological Warfare (e.g. pamphleting the populace). ... Free Thought. Agnosticism. ... Anthropocentrism. ... Stem Cells, Epigenetics. Eugenics ... ... 'White' Majority ... 16.0531t

... Stoned ... Conversation ... PSA (Public Service Announcement), Public Intoxication ... Yin Yang seed of it's opposite ... Liberty ... 'who's turn is it now' this decade, this half century, this century ... ? ... Masala, Chemical Tolerance, Prohibitionists, Slavers. Gnosticism. PSA Awareness. Compulsory Education. Compulsory Radio. Compulsory Rollerskating. STM duress, disposition, temperament, type. Awareness. Some Satellites Orbiting less than 200 miles out. 21st Century. Mustard keeps the deer out better, 2nd season rain, bugs still eating mustard. (deer ate mustard, too)

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... Approximate over night 41.9 degrees Farenheit, did not frost.

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I enjoy Marijuana as Leisure and Recreation, myself.

(slight edit, 'enjoyed', prohibition 17.0101sd)

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... zen gen gen zen, gen zen zen gen ... Communal Sit ... lookin' out for their children ... control issues ... Cybernetic Sat ... 'telepathy' ... ? ...

16.0503t_1018a us/tx (unedited) (cropped)

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... Solar Cycle ...

16.0409st_1955p us/tx
(unedited) (cropped)


terms of use:

I'm a private person, I live a private life ... these entries, shared as is here on this electronic pad, are not intended to constitute an invitation into the privacy of my home (read as, 'our home / household, my cats' & mine'), any such invitation, if ever intended, I will attempt to express in as many words, openly and as direct as possible.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

status update(s) (fragments & incomplete ideas) -- Thu, Jul 18, 2013

(another note to add to intent -- tryin' to organize)

---- 13.0718r_1751p us/tx